My New Years Resolutions.


I am not sure how to begin my first post. Great start.

I thought as it is now only the second day of the new year it might be nice to share my 'New Years Resolutions' with my blog. I can assure you now that only a third (if I am doing really well) of these will be kept till next year, but writing them down and sharing them will you all might provide some motivation. I will warn you now that some of these are extremely vague and cheesy, but I like to keep them that way so that there is a better chance of fulfilling them -that's the type of person I am.

1. Start a blog
One down, seven to go. I have wanted to start a blog for so long but I've been so busy with school, Netflix and general procrastination that it's taken me quite some time to get my butt into gear and actually begin. I have no idea what direction I want to take this space but for now it's going to be a lifestyle/beauty/mundane ramblings blog.

2. Get fitter and healthier
when I say this, I don't mean lose weight, I mean take a more active interest in my health, because whenever I do have the occasional health kick I always see a massive difference in all parts of my life- my energy, my skin, my mood. Saying  all this, I'm not sure how well this will actually go as I am a serial chocolate addict and couch potato who can find almost no motivation to do anything.

3. Prioritise people who prioritise me.
So cheesy and clichéd, but so important. All of last year I let people in my life who made me happy 10% of the time I was with them, and the rest was just for their own personal gain- if they weren't getting something from me all the time then they wouldn't give me the time of day. This year I am going to spend more time with people I am happy with and make me feel valued. Goodness, I am so deep it's unreal.

4. Train my dog
This one is random but I really want this to happen. This year my family got a black standard schnauzer, and while he is a delight, he probably is the worst behaved dog in the whole of the UK, if not the world. At the very least I need him to stop savaging the postman because I have received a lot of dirty looks from him recently...

*UPDATE* Today we took him on a walk and he chased a horse round the field for a solid 5 minutes.

5. Do better at school
While I am already doing pretty well at school, I have definitely been slacking and want to do a lot better. I made the horrendous mistake of taking physics, chemistry and biology- what was I thinking? Anyway, this year I want to prioritise school and have set the ambitious goal of getting at least 90% in every test. I know, what am I thinking?

6. Socialise more
To be honest, I am reluctant to include this one, as I am a firm believer in quality over quantity, but this year I would like to talk to more people and be more outgoing. I made a real effort to do this last year and my confidence grew so much.

7. Save my money
This is something I struggle with a lot, and by 'struggle with a lot' I basically mean I don't do it at all. I always come home with random purchases that I look over and wonder why on earth I bought it. I am saving up to buy a really good compact camera, specifically a GoPro Hero as I am planning to go travelling in a couple of years and would love to capture it all on camera, because in my opinion, the memories are always the best part.

8. Have a goal
This year is the year before all my exams and I want to have a goal to work towards and by a goal I mean have a general idea of what I want to do with my life and be in 10 years time. I just want to find a dream and run with it.

I really enjoyed writing this post and look forward to many more to come.
Thanks so much for reading if you've made it all the way to the end.

Comment below your New Years Resolutions, I would love to know some of yours. I would also love some blogging advice if you have any.

See you next time x


  1. Reading your resolutions I realised they are very similar to my own :) Good luck with them!

  2. Great resolutions! Good luck with all of them, and Happy New Year!

    xx Mimmi, Muted Mornings

  3. I can so relate to these resolutions!
    check out my blog?


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